Some Monday night throttle therapy
11 September 2014
It was a nice clear evening so we went out to feed the bikes their favourite countryside flavoured b-road asphalt. At some point we'll have to do a proper test to show just how much quicker Andy's 1198 is against…
How to enter a META alarm override code
08 September 2014
I needed to add a new alarm remote to my bike over the weekend. Instructions for this were pretty easy to find (How to add/introduce a new Meta alarm remote) but one of the first steps is "Enter the override…
ZX-6R presents ‘Fun with Threads’
26 August 2014
The Ninja is back on the road and sailed through its MOT with new brake pads, chain and sprockets. After taking it for a few rides I noticed the inside of the fairings were looking pretty oily and the level…
Okay ninja, I can take a hint
22 November 2013
So after work and a short ride to pick up some things for dinner, the ninja didn't want to start. It was a little low on fuel (the fuel light came on, on my way over from the office). Thinking…
ZX-6R Knocking (solved)
12 September 2013
Had some crap weather over the last few days and with the A4 still out of action the ninja had to see some rain. Today it started knocking/clunking, difficult to hear over the exhaust but quite loud and I could…
Service time! (for the first time)
01 May 2013
The ninja was overdue a little love and affection so I decided to give it a service, myself. Never serviced a bike before, but how hard could it be!? Turns out it's a piece of cake. The first step was…
Track day at Rockingham
10 September 2011
After being knocked off my bike on a roundabout last week (which snapped my gear shifter), ordering a new one (and being sent a different shape for the wrong bike), last minute finding a sympathetic local welder (who also just…