Back to the Powder – Tignes 2016
21 March 2016
Tignes is far more impressive than our snowboarding ability but here's how a week out there with my brother looked... Surprise visit from Neil and Em was really cool and they'd just got engaged too! Congratulations guys, was great seeing you. Because of…
Tignes Bail Edit 2015
03 February 2015
Pretty simple, all the bails, crashes and stupid stuff roughly cut to "Shake it off." Enjoy. // Matt
Road Trip to Tignes Edit
25 January 2015
We got back from Tignes a little over a month ago now, I've had a bit of freelance work on so finding time to put the edit together has been tough. It's finally finished now though! I think I mentioned…
A very last-minute trip to Tignes
29 December 2014
As we were rapidly approaching the end of the year and I still had a whole heap of holiday to use up, I took an unplanned week off work. Fellow going fast enthusiast and flatmate Andy was also off work…
First time in a long time at MK SnoZone!
07 April 2012
I hadn't been on a snowboard for ages (maybe a year+!?) so thought I'd better check I still knew how to do it. Andy and Chris got roped into joining me. MK was really quiet for a Friday night which…