‘Hekz’ Android icon pack

31 March 2014 My car's been delayed a few days at the bodyshop so in the absence of a car to modify, I started messing around with the theme on my Nexus 5 instead. Browsing though all the various icon packs in Google's…

My Nexus 5 blew away!

04 February 2014 My phone needs to be able to take some abuse. It will come on every bike ride with me, and get chucked around the garage while I'm working on my various little projects and inevitably dropped every once in a…

Android’s stock email app is finally good!

17 December 2013 Well, it's always been good, but now it's a little bit better! My Nexus 5 arrived yesterday thanks to o2 persuading me to "Be more dog" and get myself the latest greatest phone with their o2 refresh contract. This worked…