Thought I’d post some pictures of the project so far…
Bought B5 RS4 carriers from a fellow member of They were covered in bright red caliper paint; this had to go. So I handed them over to my mate Andy who using some nasty chemical dips and some sand blasting got them looking good as new, down to the bare metal. To prevent rust he suggested I primed them until I decided how I was going to finish them properly. So they now look like this…
I bought a set of EBC redstuff pads and then went and picked up a complete RS4 front brake setup from another audi-sport member. The whole lot sat in my living room looking like this…
Plus I got the dust shields and a spare set of carriers and bolts that I wasn’t expecting (needn’t have bought the other set!)…
Epic discs!
Removed guide pins and started cleaning caliper number one in my state-of-the-art, custom made brake service station…
Same for the other one…
I had a fight with the rubber guide pin bushings. I’d hoped to take these alive but two died in the removal process/fight. I don’t actually think it is possible to remove these without cutting them out as they’re held in place by toothed plastic sections that appear to be impossible to remove without destroying them. I plan on removing these plastic sections, and replacing the bushes with ones the same as used on the opposite side where these plastic parts are not required.
I removed the pistons by blasting compressed air down the holes where the brake lines attach, gave everything the once over with a cloth and here’s where I’m at now…
Quite a fun little project so far. Next job is to get the calipers and carriers powder coated.
…and if you were wondering why there’s hardly any fish in my brothers aquarium, it’s because this f**ker eats them all!!…
…and he’s the “small” one.
// Matt