
25 July 2014 Here's an idea, how about if I visit your website and accept your cookie policy you set a cookie that remembers my f-ing preference! And don't ask me again every time I visit your site. That would be really, really…

The Shop at Forty site

08 July 2014 After getting back from Ibiza I've been hard at work finishing off The Shop at Forty's website. It was launched last week, has had a few little tweaks since and is now all done for the time being. It's a…

jQuery animate image opacity glitch

20 June 2014 So I was working on a lovely little retro furniture site earlier today, adding a few animation and transition niceties with jQuery and found something a bit weird. When animating the opacity of an image, the image size would also…

Longier UK site

26 March 2014 I've been working with 'Hallmark Equipment Service' to design and develop a site for 'Longier UK' the UK and Ireland distributor for Longier large format digital printers. We launched the site earlier this week. It needed to be be clearly…

Can’t make a website

02 September 2013 You know things are going pretty well when you're so busy making websites for paying clients you can't actually make a website for yourself. As much as it pains me to see my own site like this, I'd rather it…